David E. Taylor Under Investigation For Criminal Charges, Spent $50,000 In Donations Upgrading Mercedes to Limousine (2024)

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The purpose of this article is to present additionalevidence that David E. Taylor is a false apostle and a false prophet. This article could also be considered a Biblical analysis of David E. Taylor.

Ephesians 5:11 says, “Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead expose them;

If you visitDavid E. Taylor’s official website, then navigate to —>About—>The Man—>Biography – Chronicles of Life, it saysthat he serves in “all the five-fold ministry offices as an apostle.”

Right off the bat, the biography exalts Taylor as someone who is extraordinarily gifted by God and in the “upper echelon” of the Kingdom of God. He isn’t just a preacher, just a pastor, just a prophet, or just a teacher. . . he’s so much more than that. . . he serves in ALL the five-fold ministry offices as an apostle.”

This exaggerated claim is intended to make him seem “spiritually elite” in the minds of his supporters, because many people are impressed by someone who allegedly functions in “all of the five-fold ministry offices,” and many people believe that the title “apostle” is the highest ranking title or the highest ranking ministry out of all of the spiritual gifts, and that an apostle is the“highest authority”in the body of Christ.

I remember back in the day, many people believed that the title “bishop” was the highest ranking title or the highest ranking ministry out of all of the spiritual gifts, and that a bishop is a “higher authority” over pastors, preachers, teachers, and multiple congregations in a region. It seemed like everyone and their grandma was seeking after the title “bishop” and being “ordained” as bishops, thinking that it elevated them to a higher level in a religious chain of command.

The same thing is happening today with the title “apostle.” It is the new “I’m higher up than you are” titlethat everyone is seeking after and thisis one of the reasons why we see manypeople today calling themselves “apostles” to seem greater than they really are, impress others, and gain a higher status, greater prominence, and unearned undeserved credibility.

By claiming to serve in “all the five-fold ministry offices as an apostle,” Taylor portrays himself as spiritually-superior to other Believers and in a separate (higher) spiritual class.

As we continue to examine his biography, we will see more examples of how Taylor paints himself as spiritually elite and “greater than an ordinary Believer” in the minds of his supporters.

Taylor’s biography says that he has a unique ability to help people experience the Lord’s intense presence through worship and to receive extraordinary miracles in their body and lives during services.”

The word “unique” means “being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.” Why does Taylor claim to havethe unique(one of a kind) ability” to help people experience God’s presence through worship when Hebrews 6:19-20 says that Jesus is the one who has the unique ability to lead us “through the curtain” or “beyond the veil” into God’s presence, because He has already gone in there for us.

“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary. Jesus has already gone in there for us. He has become our eternal High Priest in the order of Melchizedek.” (Hebrews 6:19-20)

Some of you might not think this is important,significant, or even see a problem with it. But I consider it a red flagwhen someone claims to have a “unique (one of a kind) ability” to usher people into God’s presence, because Scripture teaches that Jesus has already ushered us into God’s presence as a “forerunner” who entered into God’s inner sanctuary before us, and split the curtainfrom top to bottom by His death and opened up the way to the throne of grace.

Considering that Jesus is the forerunnerwho went before us to open up the way into God’s presence by His death on the Cross and sentthe Holy Spirit (His Advocate) to help us experience God’s presence — how can anyone claim to have a unique(one of a kind) ability” to do what Jesus has already done for usand what He continues to do for us via the Holy Spirit?

The reason why I am pointing this out is because you will notice a pattern throughout Taylor’s biography, in which he claims to usher people into God’s presence and even bring people intothe physical presence of Jesus Christ. Something that seems insignificant becomes significant when it is a pattern.

Tayloralso claims to have a unique ability” to help people “receive extraordinary miracles in their bodyand lives during services.”

The word “extraordinary” means “very unusual or remarkable.”The miracles of Jesus were extraordinary. He regenerated and restored body parts, gave sight to the blind, gave mute people the ability to speak, resurrected the dead, healed leprosy, gave cripples the ability to walk, gave paralyzed people the ability to move their limbs freely, gave deaf people the ability to hear, healed terminal illnesses from long distance, cast demons out of people, and miraculously fed thousands of hungry peoplefrom only five loaves and two fish. And He did all of this on the spot, in front of eyewitnesses — including some who were His enemies.

Considering that Jesus performed extraordinary miracles — How can Taylor say that *he* helps people receiveextraordinary(very unusual or remarkable) miracles” in their bodies and lives? What miracles has God allegedly performed through Taylor that qualifyas “extraordinary” and therefore can be placed on the same level as Jesus’ miracles?

Where is the evidence of these extraordinary miracles”? I searched high and low online and I wasn’t able to find anymedical evidence verifying that anyone has received “extraordinary miracles” in their bodies and lives throughDavid E. Taylor. When Jesus healed people, even His enemies saw the evidence. So where is Taylor’s evidence?

And even IF there were any evidence, the spiritual source behind these alleged “extraordinary miracles” is highly questionabledue to the fraudulent and corrupt behavior, message, and financial activities of David E. Taylor.

There is nothing “unique” about a leader claiming that people have received “extraordinary miracles” through him. There are thousands of leaders all around the worldwhosay the same thing. There is nothing special about this. Leaders like Taylor are a dime a dozen. Yet Taylor describes himself as having a unique ability” and extraordinary miracles” being performed through him, because once again, it makes him seem“spiritually elite” in the minds of his supporters and as if God is doing something exceptionalthrough him.

It’s not about evidence, substance, and reality, but about giving people an illusion that he isvery spiritual, very powerful, and very important in the Kingdom of God. Human beings are more prone to believe in illusions and delusionsthan truth, reality, and evidence.

Are you impressed yet? If not, thenhold onto your hat, because Taylor also claims to see Jesus “face to face” in person “on a consistent basis.”

“the part of the ministry that the Lord has entrusted him with that he prizes the most highest is, the special face to face appearance relationship and friendship with Jesus personally.”

I’m the type of person that pays close attention to words. Why? Because Jesus said that our words (what we say) flows out of our heart (Luke 6:45). You can learn a lot about a person if you just sit and listen to what they say. False apostles and false prophets tell on themselves all the time just by TALKING. The problem is that many people don’t pay attention to what they say andexamine/discern their words under the magnifying glass of Scripture.

Taylor says that he has a “special” face to face “appearance” relationship with Jesus. The word “special” means “better, greater, or otherwise different from what is usual.”What makes Taylor’s so-called “relationship” with Jesus better, greater, or different from what is usual? He allegedly sees Jesus face to face and you don’t.

See. . . your relationship with Jesus is “usual” because you don’t see Him face to face. You know Jesus by the Spirit and by faith like every other “ordinary Believer.” Taylor on the other hand isn’t an “ordinary Believer” because he has a “special” face to face relationship with Jesus. Yet Jesus said “. . .Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.” (John 20:29)

Taylor’s biographygoes on to say, “The glory manifested out of this friendship is what flows over into the peoples lives and brings them to meet with the Lord, face-to-face in person, just like it says about Moses life and ministry… “and he brought the people to meet with God.”

He claims that the “glory” from his“specialface to face relationship” with Jesus flowsinto the lives of his supporters and bringsthem into face-to-face encounters with Jesus too.

Once again, Taylor is exalting himselfinto an elite spiritual class of his own. He is pretty much claiming to be some sort of “channel” or “conduit” through which God’s gloryflows into the lives of others and ushers them into the physical presence of Jesus.

This is meant to give the impression that Taylor is very special in the Kingdom of God, if not the most important person on earth. After all, Jesus has allegedly chosen him out of billions of people on earth to appear to face to face, and usher others into His physical presence.

What are people actually experiencing? An emotional high. Jesus doesn’t appear as you will see in the video below. It’s just a Jedi mind trick. There is no one on the stage.

Notice also that Taylor exalts himself to the same level as Mosesby claiming that he brings people to meet with God.I call this the “Moses-complex” which you can read more about by clicking here.

By exalting himself to the same level as Moses, Taylorplaces himselfin the position of Christ, which is Anti-Christ. Why? Because Moses was a type or shadow of Christ. His life and ministry were Divinely-designedto illustratethe life and ministry of Jesus.

In Deuteronomy 18:15-19, God toldthe children of Israel thatHe would raise up a prophet like Moses — this prophet is not David E. Taylor, it is the Lord Jesus Christ. So here we see a contradiction:Taylor says that he is like Moses.But Scripture says that Jesus is like Moses.

Just like the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, Jesus knows the Father face to face. Just like God put His words in Moses’ mouth, Jesus spoke the very words of the Father. Just like Moses performed extraordinary miracles, Jesus performed extraordinary miracles. Just like Moses inaugurated a covenant with blood, Jesus inaugurated the New Covenant with His blood. Jesus (not David E. Taylor) is the prophet who God raised up to be like Moses.

Taylor’s biography says, “Humility and the meekness of Jesus characterizes David’s lifestyle in person,”

First of all, ifsomeone is truly humble, they won’t announce itbecause, well, they’re humble, and their fruit speaks for itself.Humble people don’t seek to draw attention to themselves by talking about how humble they are —prideful people do, because they have false humility.

Second of all, Taylor claims to have the humility of Jesus because once again, he is exalting himself to the same level asMoses (Moseswas noted in Scripture for his humility). Numbers 12:3 says that Moses wasmore humble than anyone on earth. Jesus, who is like Moses,was also noted in Scripture for his humility (Philippians 2:5-11).

It is the height of hypocrisy and quite ironicfor Taylor to claim to have the humility of Jesus in order to lift himself up and portray himself as “great” before the people. Feigning humility to glorify self is contradictory. Humility does not exalt itself, pride does.

“But those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” (Matthew 23:12)

Let’s think about this for a minute. If someone truly sawthe Lord of glory face-to-face in Hismajestic heavenly form — do you really think that they would leave His presence full of pride, boast in how many “five-fold offices” they function in, emphasize alleged “extraordinary miracles”that God performs through them, claim that their relationship with Jesus is greater or better than other Believers,exalt themselves to the same level as Moses, claim that they are a conduit of God’s gloryand bring people into the physical presence of Jesus, and tell othershow humble and meek THEY are? I think not.

If you read the Scriptures where people saw God’s heavenly glory, God’s throne, angels of God, and had face-to-face encounters with the risen Christ in His majestic heavenly form — you will notice that they were all humbled, afraid, in awe, in shock, rendered speechless,to the point of fainting, and saw how sinful they were in the presence of a holy sinless God.

They did not leave God’s presence talking about how spiritual they are, boasting in their encounter with God or the vision He gave them, or build a business “ministry” teachingothers how to have visions, dreams, and face-to-face encounters with God. But rather, they left His presence in worship, preachingand prophesying His word, sometimes with great grief and mourning for the people’s sins,pointing people to God and not themselves.

Taylor’s biography, behavior, and lifestyle is not indicative of someone who has had a face-to-face encounter with the risen Lord. His fruit is not indicative of someone whoknows the Lord at all.

In Matthew 24:4-5 Jesus told His disciples Don’t let anyone mislead you, for many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah.’ They will deceive many.”

Many professing Christians think that Jesus was only warning us about cult leaders whosay the literal words “I am Jesus” “I am the Christ.”

Cult leaders who make the literal claim to be Jesus would be included in that warning. But Jesus was also warning usto watch out fora more deceptive type of leader who–in a very slick crafty manner–puts on sheep’s clothing and portrays himself as if he is a “messiah” by exalting himself to the position of Christ.

Wolves in sheep’s clothing, as Jesus called them in Matthew 7:15-20,do not say the literal words “I am the Messiah.” But rather, they claim to be your personal messiah in a more subtlemanner, which is why we must pay attention and use discernment.

In the church,false messiahs claim to be Christthrough the use of glorified titles that lift them upand cannot be rightfullyapplied to anyone but God, through the use of false teachings that place them in the role of the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit, through the use of practices, rituals, and traditions thatcenter the attention on them and seduce people toworship them, through the use of alleged “miracles,” “visions,” “prophecies,” and “Divine encounters” that make them appear “larger than life” and “more special” in the Kingdom of God, andthrough the use of various statements such as claiming to be “more anointed” than others and claiming to be “the head” of the Church.

David E. Taylor does these things.

In his biography, he claims that Jesus openly appeared “in Washington State in the sight of three million people at one time over three whole regions in 2006. This appearance lasted for an entire hour and was captured by the secular media on television, in photographs and in print. This type or some similar manifestation happens where ever the Lord sends David. In whatever city or church David enters, he is accompanied by the special privilege of the Lord personally working with him.”

If you are a born-again Believer, a huge red flagshould have went up in your Spirit.

In Matthew 24:23-27, Jesus said that if anyone tells you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah,’ or ‘There he is,’ don’t believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God’s elect. So if someone tells you, ‘Look, the Messiah is out in the desert,’ don’t bother to go and look. Or, ‘Look, he is hiding here,’ don’t believe it! For as the lightning flashes in the east and shines to the west, so it will be when the Son of Man comes.

Taylor’s false claimthat Jesus returned and appeared to millions of people in Washington State is a prime example of what Jesus warned us against in the passage above.

If you are a Taylor supporter, you HAVE to get this, because your soul is at stake. Life is but a vapor and youhave no time or emotional energy to waste defending personalities in the pulpit, putting on a superman capefor leaderswho do not even know you nor care about you, and wrapyour spiritual identity around some leader so that when someone tells you the truth about them you get offended and act like someone is attacking you personally.

This is not a personal attack or an “attack from the devil.” This is a warning based on the word of Christ which can save your soul if you receive it and let go of the lie. The Lord loves you so much that He told you in advance what David E. Taylor would say and do so that you wouldn’t fall for it. He told you thatfalse messiahs and false prophets would say that He physically appeared somewhere on earth. This is a lying wonder meant to deceive you. Don’t believe it.

Jesus said that when He returns, it will be like lightning flashing acrossthe sky from the east to the west. If lightning flashed across the sky from the east to the west, everyone would see it. In like manner, when Jesus returns, everyone will see Him. It won’t be a secret. There won’t be people in the world who don’t know that He returned, andDavid E. Taylor most certainly won’t be the center of attention.

Consider Taylor’s claim,“This type or some similar manifestation happens where ever the Lord sends David. In whatever city or church David enters, he is accompanied by the special privilege of the Lord personally working with him

Once again, pay close attention to the words that are being used. Taylor said that he is accompanied by the Lord working with him. The word “accompanied” means “togo somewhere with (someone) as a companion or escort.”For example, if I go to the State Fair and my friend Alicia accompanies me, this means that she came >>WITH ME<< or tagged along with me as a companion to keep me company.

Why am I pointing this out? Because it’s very telling that Taylor said whatever city or church he enters, the Lord accompanies him, as if Taylor is the main person on this mission and Jesus is just tagging along with him. Biblically speaking, if we are ministering to people, Jesus is not accompanying us — it’s the other way around, we are accompanying Jesus. He is “the main Man” and weare following Him and accompanying Him as we follow His voice and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Also notice that Taylor said the Lord is “personally working with him.This is very telling as well.Jesus does not work with us. We work with Him. Do you understandthe difference? If someone says that Jesus is working “with them,” thatmakes it sound like they have set out to accomplish something and Jesushas come alongside them to execute whatever they are doing and go along with their idea. It makes it sound like Jesus has entered into their labor. However, Jesus does not accompany us and roll up His sleeves and work with us. It’s the other way around. We enter into His labors and He worksin us and through us, the will of God.

To speak of Jesus as if He is taggingalong with us from city to city, church to church,and working with us reverses the roles. Itelevates us to His position and subordinates Him to our position.

This was important for me to mention because false apostles and false prophets often speak and behave as if they are the “main man” and Jesus is just following them around, tagging along to do their bidding, and performing manifestations to confirm their “ministry.

Taylor makes it sound like he is the centerpiece of the work of Christ and that Jesus is just following him everywhere that he goesperforming manifestations. Does this soundlike “the humility of Jesus” to you? It sounds more like pride and narcissism. Jesus does not center his ministry around any one man. Nor does He follow anyone around performing manifestations that lift them up and make them the focus. The Lord is the centerpiece of whatever work He does and we are suppose to be followingHIM.

Back in 2014, Taylor falsely prophelied that the Broncos would win the 2014 Superbowl.

As we know, that prophecy failed, which makes him a false prophet according to Scripture.

“If the prophet speaks in the Lord’s name but his prediction does not happen or come true, you will know that the Lord did not give that message. That prophet has spoken without my authority and need not be feared.” (Deuteronomy 18:22)

True prophets of God never miss the mark, because God is precise, exact, and knows the future. His word never fails and it always accomplish exactly what He desires.

Taylor did postan “apology” for his failed Superbowl prophecy, but it was only damage control to repair his tarnished image and make himself look “humble” to his supporters. It wasn’t sincere and there was no genuine fruit of repentance.

On top of failed prophecies, Taylor is now being investigated for criminal charges including charges related to financial corruption.

In the video below, Taylor is being questioned in court by a member of the Michigan Bar and he does not seem to know where his business offices are located.

It is not normal for the founder of an organizationto not know where their business offices are located.

Notice how he attempts to duck and dodge the lawyer’s questions and avoid giving herstraightforward answers. His was very evasive throughout thedeposition.

In the video below, Taylor does not seem to know who the members of his board are besides himself and a woman named Michelle Brannon.

It is not normal for the founder of an organization to not know who the members of hisboard are. This is all very strange.

The video below reveals that $6,000 in JMMI donations were spent on a Disneyland vacation for Taylor, his children and staff. When asked if this vacation was reported on his taxes as a paid vacation, Taylorsaid that he didn’t know.

He said that he doesn’t know much about his finances which is odd — but he assured the lawyer that he isn’t doing anything illegal. How can he assure anyone that his finances are being handled lawfullyif he doesn’t knowmuch of anything and someone else handles his finances for him?

This court transcript shows that a David E. Taylor supporter and volunteer named “Debbie Frazier” [aka Deborah Hoskins] donated $1.2 million dollars to JMMI. This violated a court order which stated that Debbie was not allowed to give any money to Taylor/JMMI.

There are court orders stating that Debbie is not allowed to bring her children to St. Louis and participate in JMMI.

As a result of donating over one million dollars to Taylor/JMMI that she couldn’t afford, Debbie ended up in dire straits financially, put her housing at risk, and cut back on seeing her children. She also has a huge IRS bill.

The lawyer asked Taylor if he would be willing to give Debbie some of her money back considering that she is destitute. Taylor’s response? “I would love to do that if we have the money, presently we don’t.” Which raises the question, where did the money go?

The lawyer asked, “When Deborah Frazier volunteers, do you pay her travel costs when she comes to St. Louis?” Taylor responded, “No.” The lawyer, “She’s on her own?” Taylor, “Yeah.”

So here is a woman who is now financially destitute as a result of donating $1.2 million dollars to Taylor/JMMI, is at risk of being homeless, and has pulled back on seeing her children. Yet JMMI spent her hefty donation and does not pay her travel costs when she comes to St. Louis. “She’s on her own” as Taylor said. This is cold-blooded.

Mark the words of Jesus, “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.” (Matthew 7:15)

But there were also false prophets in Israel, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will cleverly teach destructive heresies and even deny the Master who bought them. In this way, they will bring sudden destruction on themselves.Many will follow their evil teaching and shameful immorality. And because of these teachers, the way of truth will be slandered.In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money. But God condemned them long ago, and their destruction will not be delayed.” (2 Peter 2:1-3)

This same transcript, as well as the video below, reveal that Taylor claimed an unknown dependent on his taxes and that his father prepared his taxes in 2012. If Taylor is claiming false “dependents” on his taxes, that is tax fraud and it shows dishonesty and a lack of integrity. It is also problematic for his father to prepare his taxes,because it presents a conflict of interest due to personal bias.

The video below shows that from 2013-2014, Taylor spent over $30,000 in JMMI donations on a designer wardrobe (Versace, Gucci, Monsieur Clothing in New York, Armani, Louis Vuitton, and Italian Collection Clothes).

Take note that the donate page onTaylor’s official website requests donations under the false pretense of “furthering the work of the Lord Jesus Christ” and “taking the life-saving and miracle-working power of Jesus Christ to the world through broadcasts, mission outreaches, and world wide crusades.”

Expensive luxurious designer clothing does not fall under the banner of “the work of Jesus Christ” or “life-saving.” It is a sign of greed, vanity, and materialism.

The lawyer rightly asked Taylor, “. . .you don’t see that there’s any problem when you’re ministering to the poor or the sick, the needy, to be appearing in Louis Vuitton and Versace?” Taylor responded that he’s a “very frugal person.”Yeah right.

The video below shows that JMMI owns three luxury vehicles: a BMW, a Mercedes, and a Bentley. $50,000 in JMMI donations were spent on converting a Mercedes into a limousine for the purpose of driving guests around.

Taylor said that JMMI has two drivers who serve him as glorified armor bearers “adjutants.” The lawyer asked if they are being financially compensated and Taylor said that they are unpaid volunteers. Their “compensation” is that they are “blessed by his ministry.”

The lawyer then asked, how do they pay their bills if they are serving him all day? The answer is that Taylor doesn’t care. As long as his bills are paid and he’s able to buy $5,000 designer belts, that’s all that matters to him.

The video below shows that Taylor owns a $2.5 million dollar home as an asset, as noted in his report. But when he was confronted about it being listed as an asset, he states that it should be listed as a liability.

Jesus warned us that many leaders would come to us in His name/authority, claiming thatthey are the messiah. He said that they would deceive many. Are you in this number? Have you overlooked the characteristicsof afalse messiah and fallen for one? If so, the good news is that you still have time to repent, withdraw your support, andtake up your cross and follow Jesus.

“Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1)

These people are false apostles. They are deceitful workers who disguise themselves as apostles of Christ. But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no wonder that his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. In the end they will get the punishment their wicked deeds deserve.” (2 Corinthians 11:13-15)

Suppose there are prophets among you or those who dream dreams about the future, and they promise you signs or miracles, and the predicted signs or miracles occur. If they then say, ‘Come, let us worship other gods’—gods you have not known before—do not listen to them. The Lord your God is testing you to see if you truly love him with all your heart and soul. Serve only the Lord your God and fear him alone. Obey his commands, listen to his voice, and cling to him. The false prophets or visionaries who try to lead you astray must be put to death, for they encourage rebellion against the Lord your God, who redeemed you from slavery and brought you out of the land of Egypt. Since they try to lead you astray from the way the Lord your God commanded you to live, you must put them to death. In this way you will purge the evil from among you.” (Deuteronomy 13:1-5)

This man [the lawless one] will come to do the work of Satan with counterfeit power and signs and miracles. He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them. So God will cause them to be greatly deceived, and they will believe these lies. Then they will be condemned for enjoying evil rather than believing the truth.” (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)

David E. Taylor Under Investigation For Criminal Charges, Spent $50,000 In Donations Upgrading Mercedes to Limousine (2024)
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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.